Volunteers from AARP will prepare taxes free of charge beginning February 5 through April 15. Appointments are required.
Appointments are required. Just one appointment is needed. To make an appointment, visit the AARP website or call 914-348-3467.
At your scheduled appointment time, please bring the following:
1. Copy of last year's federal and state tax return
2. W-2 forms showing income from your employer
3. 1099-R forms showing pension or annuity income
4. SSA-1099 forms showing Social Security benefits
5. 1099-DIV, -INT, -MISC, -OID forms shoring dividends, interest NYS tax refund, gambling income, etc.
6. Health Care information received from the Marketplace, if any
7. Any other information concerning your income or deductions.
8. Photo ID and Social Security/ITIN cards
9. Bank information, if direct deport or refund direct deposit desired.