Join White Plains Librarian Barbara Wenglin for our Fall Zoom Story Series using the rich anthology, "Stories of Books and Libraries" (ed. Jane Holloway, Everyman's Pocket Classics, 2023).
At this session we will discuss two brief, compelling selections combining fantasy and realism: “Continuity of Parks” by Julio Cortazar (p.175), set in a lush estate study, leaves the reader pondering what is real and and what is part of the plot of the novel within the story. “The Public Library” by Isaac Babel (p.195) reveals the important role of the public library for its remaining patrons and staff during wartime -- WWI in the story.
Copies of the series anthology, Stories of Books and Libraries, are available to reserve through the catalog with one held at the Reference Desk for reading in the Library. These vibrant and varied selections by diverse authors pay tribute to the written word in works published throughout history, to their readers, and to the intriguing spaces that house them. We will meet Thursdays from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m on 1/2/25, and 1/23/25 (final film discussion).
Click This Zoom Link to register for the remaining meetings . The program is supported by The Friends of the White Plains Library. All are welcome, including newcomers!